AFC Big Supporters Survey 2019

This is the second year for the AFC Big Supporters Survey as we look to take feedback from supporters about Aberdeen Football Club and Scottish football.

The survey aims to capture the current views of supporters on a number of subject matters from the matchday experience to AFC in the Community and everything in between.

As with last year’s survey – the results will be shared with the club and will give you an opportunity to have your say on a number of areas.

As a thank you, by providing your email address, we will also enter you into a draw to win a 2019/20 Aberdeen FC home or away shirt.  This is optional and you can still complete the survey without providing your email address.

The survey has been split into 11 sections and will roughly take 10-15 minutes to complete.

1.  Demographics – some general questions about yourself;
2.  Matchday attendance – questions about the home and away matchday experience;
3.  Expectations – questions about your expectations of Aberdeen FC;
4.  Rules and Regulations of the game – your views on some specific areas on the rules and regs of the game;
5.  Football and the media – how you consume Scottish football on radio/tv, print and online; 
6.  Investment – your views on how Aberdeen FC should spend its money;
7.  Communication – your views on how the club communicate with you as a supporter;
8.  AberDNA and Season Tickets – your views on the AberDNA scheme and season tickets;
9.  Kingsford Stadium – your views on the new stadium;
10.  Aberdeen FC Supporters Clubs – your views on Aberdeen FC Supporters Clubs;
11.  AFC in the Community – your views and participation in any AFC Community initiatives;

In general we have kept the questions the same, but have introduced two new sections:

  • Communication – which covers communication from the club to supporters;
  • Podcasts – in the Media section, we’ve added a section about Podcasts;

We’ve tidied up some options based on the responses we got from last year to make the questions clearer or to provide more response options.

The majority of questions have remained the same so we can do a comparison on the results from last year.

The survey is open until midnight 8 September 2019.  The report utilising the survey responses will be made available online at the start of November 2019.

Should you have any problems with the survey, please email us at