
Return of Fans To Pittodrie Delayed, Test Events Still Go-Ahead

The return of the Red Army to Pittodrie has been delayed until 5 October 2020 at the earliest after the average daily rate of coronavirus cases has gone up.

The test events between Aberdeen and Kilmarnock and Ross County and Celtic will still go ahead, but any prospect of an early return has been shelved.

Further possible pilots will be judged on a “case by case basis”.

First Minister of Scotland said today: “The pandemic is at this stage accelerating again – albeit, and thankfully, from a low base and not as rapidly as it was back in March and April,” said the first minister.

“We have concluded that these changes must be paused for a further three weeks. The new indicative date for their resumption is Monday 5 October.

“However, I must stress that this remains an indicative date – a final decision can only be taken nearer the time.”

It is likely that phase three of lockdown restrictions will be with us for some time yet.