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Inverness Reds Supporters Bus Update

Following the pandemic we have faced a number of challenges securing buses for the supporters club.

Unfortunately, we have to confirm we will be unable to run regular weekly buses for the upcoming 2022/23 season.

Many of the Highland bus hire companies have reduced or removed their bus fleets and using any remaining hires for tourist services or to service existing contracts.  This means they cannot guarantee buses for us.

In addition, the cost of hires have increased significantly, as has the cost of fuel and we are unable to find an affordable replacement solution to continue running regular buses for the supporters club.

Where we are able to run a bus, these will be advertised on our website and on social media.

The post pandemic reality means this is the first time, we are unable to run regular buses from Inverness for Dons supporters, which is extremely disappointing.

We’d like to thank everyone who has supported the buses over the years.

We will continue working on finding a workable solution, but in the meantime that is it for regular Inverness Reds supporters buses.

If anyone has possible solutions to our dilemma, please email