Aberdeen FC Home Shirt

Download Your Aberdeen FC Fixture Calendars

We have all Aberdeen FC fixtures available for download for Apple Calendar (iCal), Outlook and Google calendars on your desktop computer, smartphone and tablet devices.

By subscribing to the links below and if the fixtures get updated, it will automatically update in your calendar.

Just select the links below and follow the instructions on your application:

Apple Calendar (iCal): webcal://www.invernessreds.co.uk/calendar/aberdeen-fixtures-2018-19?feed=sp-ical

Outlook: webcal://www.invernessreds.co.uk/calendar/aberdeen-fixtures-2018-19?feed=sp-ical

Google: http://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=webcal%3A%2F%2Fwww.invernessreds.co.uk%2Fcalendar%2Faberdeen-fixtures-2018-19%3Ffeed%3Dsp-ical

Note: the update frequency is set by your calendar application – check the settings to make sure it updates at least once a week.

Comments (1)

  1. Allison Beedie

    Thanks, love this, so much easier to find fixtures now they are on my phone calendar.

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