250,000 dowloads

AFC DONScast Reaches 250k Target

We knew that there was demand for a quick news podcast covering Aberdeen FC and Scottish football news each week, and following the return of the AFC DONScast in 2019 we’re delighted to have reached our 250,000 download target in just over a year.

It wouldn’t have happened without you, so thank you for tuning in and of course a big thank you to the club for assisting with some of the content.

Our audience is truly worldwide, from Australia and New Zealand, to Canada and the US, the Middle East and of course our home grown listeners.

Users are mostly tuning in via Apple Podcasts (68%) or through a voice-enabled smart device (13%) and other platforms such as Spotify.

If we are not on your favourite podcast service, drop us an email at contact@invernessreds.co.uk

If you haven’t listened in before, you can catch the AFC DONScast every Tuesday from 8pm for FREE on all popular podcast platforms, which now includes Amazon Music.


AFC DONScast Studio