
Kingsford Stadium Update

It’s been a wee while since the last update, Raymond Edgar, Project Director has provided the latest update on the Kingsford Stadium Project below.

Land remediation and earthworks are continuing on the site at Kingsford. These works will be complete on the Phase 1 section (the training and community facilities) for the main contractor to start on site late November 2018 and earthworks on Phase 2 should be complete by January 2019, weather permitting – but this section is not critical to progress on Phase 1.

The main contractor for Phase 1 has been appointed and will start on site during November 2018. They will be appointing all the sub-contract work packages early in November 2018.

As notified earlier this week, date have now been agreed for the Judicial Review with all parties involved and the court.

  • the Procedural Hearing will take place on 19 December 2018. This hearing is only to go through the procedures etc. for the substantive hearing;
  • the Substantive Hearing will take place between 29 and 31 January 2019. This is where all the legal arguments will be heard and the court normally take three months to issues the verdict (end April / early May 2019);

This change in dates will make no difference to the progress of works for the training and community facilities.