Court of Session

Kingsford Stadium Judicial Review Next Week

The Judicial Review into Aberdeen FC’s plans for a new stadium at Kingsford is expected go ahead from Tuesday 29 January 2019 for three days at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

The dates may change based on the progress on other hearings taking place at the Court of Session.

Plans for the stadium were put on hold in October 2017,  but Aberdeen City Council approved them in January 2018.

A procedural hearing for the review, sought by The No Kingsford Stadium group – which was due to take place on 19 December 2018 was discharged and the petition continued to the hearing date taking place next week.

Following the substantive hearing, a written statement will then be issued around three months later.

In May 2018, Sarah Baillie, planning partner at Addleshaw Goddard LLP said: “The best the objectors can hope for is there has been a manifest error in the way the decision was taken and that error would have led to a refusal and so the planning permission is quashed and is back before the council for redetermination.

“There is nothing to then stop the council reaching the same conclusion again – this time in a legally valid way.”

She added: “There would also be nothing to stop a further application being submitted while the court case was ongoing.”

An Aberdeen City Council spokesman said: “We wouldn’t comment while the process is ongoing.”

Raymond Edgar, the Aberdeen FC project director, said: “We are confident the council followed the proper process in granting our planning consent and that this will be confirmed following the hearing.

“This excellent facility can then be completed, without further delay, for the greater good of the north-east community.”

Work on phase one is progressing. It includes site preparation works and the building of access roads.