And that’s it… after 23 years, it’s the end of the Inverness Reds website as we know it.

Thank you for all your support over those past 23 years – it’s been very much appreciated.

We’d also like to give a big thank you to everyone who sent us messages of support over the past few weeks and those of you who offered financial assistance to keep the website running – it’s great to know we made an impact and it was worth the effort.

Finally, a big thank you to those of you who helped us out from getting the odd exclusive to some techie stuff – you know who you are.

We’re not disappearing completely!

We’ll shortly be replacing the website, with a site with information about the supporters club, where you’ll still be able to get the match stats, fixtures and results until the end of the season.

With the closure of the website, it also means our news updates and live match updates will also no longer be available on social media.

Inverness Reds Aberdeen FC Supporters Club

The Inverness Reds Aberdeen FC Supporters Club is still going strong though, it won’t be going anywhere soon (quite literally!), but we’ve called time on the website.

We’ll still be on social media – so if you haven’t already followed or friended us, you can join us on there:


The AFC DONScast will still be available every Tuesday from 8pm on all popular podcast platforms and you’ll still be able to access episodes at

And you can follow or friend the AFC DONScast on social media:

Till next time…. thank you and Stand Free.