We have a double Here We Go! Podcast bonanza – but it is purely because we were a bit lacklustre in posting them up…sorry!

Podcast  – Northern Lites

It’s Cup Final week (good); we got thumped at Motherwell (bad); we’ve got Jack Thomson from Stats and Miniskirts back on the show (good); one of our key defenders might miss the Final (bad); JJ Bull joins us to talk about his songwriting gift (good); it contains potassium benzoate (…)

Podcast – Dark Days, Light Years

Two trips to Glasgow; two wildly different post-match moods as we look back on the games at Hampden and Ibrox.

And you can listen to them all by subscribing to them on iTunes, Google Podcasts and Spotify or listen in via the Podcast Player opposite.

Double Podcast Bonanza!