Kingsford Stadium - Outside

Dons Wait Over Objection To Stadium

Aberdeen will find out in just over a week if the No To Kingsford objectors will mount a legal challenge over the new £50 million stadium at Kingsford.

The City Council granted planning permission for the stadium and training facilities earlier this year and opponents have until 22 July 2018 to petition for a judicial review.

No Kingsford Stadium have published a Q and A about their plans for a judicial review on their website.

In response to the Evening Express an NKS spokesman said: “According to the city planners, all conditions have been met for phase one.

“In regard to phase two – no, they have not. Some of these phase two conditions will be Aberdeenshire Council’s to approve. That includes measures to control parking around the stadium on match days and to ensure people can cross the A944 safely before and after games.

“There are also major conditions to meet in regard to road widening and layouts,” said the spokesman, who added the group is in the final stages of preparing the judicial review.

Project director Raymond Edgar said: “When appropriate, we will turn our attention to working through the conditions for phase two – the stadium – with both local authorities.

“There is nothing unusual or untoward at this stage in a major project, especially one which we are delivering in two phases.”